I am hoping to pursue a degree in Bioengineering, a field which combines my passions for both math and science and applies them to positively impacting society. I now recognize that my interest in STEM didn't begin in my first real chemistry class, but instead through my love of baking. Whether we realize it or not, baking is an application of chemistry which happens to result in a delicious treat!
This video explains the general reactions that occur when baking things like cakes, cookies, brownies, and more!
Here is a short video which explains what is really happening when you bake a batch of cookies!
This article provides in-detail insight as the the actual reactions that occur among the ingredients as well as in the oven.
Written by J. H. Czernohorsky (Linwood High School) and R. Hooker (T.J. Edmonds Ltd.) Revised and edited by Heather Wansbrough with advice from Virginia Humphrey-Taylor (NZ Institute for Crop and Food Research) with reference to: • Humphrey-Taylor, Virginia; New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research Resource sheets • Campbell, Annette and Humphrey-Taylor, Virginia; The Science behind Breadmaking [Online]; Available http://www.crop.cri.nz/foodinfo/millbake/science.htm
The Chemistry Behind Baking - Advanced (pdf)